Stork Genetics offers telehealth genetic counseling and insight on a range of specialties including adult genetics, infertility, preconception, prenatal, and proactive wellness. Let us help you make informed decisions about your genetic health.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is genetic testing done?
Most genetic tests can be done on a saliva sample or buccal swab: the testing lab mails you a collection kit; after you provide a sample, mail it back to the lab for analysis.
If a blood specimen is required for a specific test, either a mobile phlebotomy appointment is scheduled or you will be provided with a lab script to a local facility to get your blood drawn.
How long does it take to get the results of my genetic test?
Generally, two to three weeks.
If ordered by Stork Genetics, you are notified by us that your results are available.
You have the option to schedule a follow up genetic counseling appointment to review the potential implications of your results. If you decline or defer this option, you are sent a copy of your results by either email or postal mail.
What is your cancellation policy?
Stork Genetics will charge a fee of $50 to clients who cancel within 48 hours of a scheduled appointment and $75 to clients who cancel within 24 hours of a scheduled appointment or who no-show for a scheduled appointment.