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Genetics is an enormous field that covers everything from the potential impact of a genetic variant or change on your medical management to broader emotional, social, and financial questions like how do I share this information with my family or even should I change my mind about having kids knowing these results?

On this page we'll explore how genetics impacts different facets of being human and how we can use genetics to live our best life.

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Genetic counseling aims to empower individuals and families with knowledge, support decision-making, and facilitate informed choices regarding their genetic health and well-being. It's a crucial service that helps individuals navigate complex genetic information and its implications for themselves and their families.

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Genetic Testing 
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Created by and used with the permission of Modern Reproduction

Cell Free Fetal DNA

(i.e. NIPT)


Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS)

Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A)

What is genetic counseling?

  • Genetic counseling is a specialized field within healthcare that focuses on helping individuals and families understand how genetic factors contribute to disease risk, inheritance patterns, and potential health issues. Genetic counselors are trained professionals with expertise in genetics and counseling.

What can I expect during my appointment?

  • Assessment and Risk Evaluation: Depending on the type of session, we will ask questions about your pregnancy, personal, and family history to assess the risk of genetic conditions or diseases.

  • Education and Communication: We will discuss various topics which can include genetic conditions, inheritance patterns, and available testing options. Through this discussion, a goal is to ensure complex genetic concepts are explain in understandable terms that help you make informed decisions about your health.

  • Counseling and Support: Emotional support, guidance, and counseling are provided as it relates to genetic testing, family planning, or treatment options.

  • Interpretation of Test Results: If applicable, we will review your genetic  test results and explain their potential implications, including the likelihood of developing a genetic condition, potential treatment options, and the risk of passing conditions to future generations.

  • Advocacy and Referral: Finally, we will provide resources, such as additional education, healthcare recommendations, or support information.

What are some indications for genetic counseling?

  • Personal or family history of a birth defect, intellectual disabilities, autism, or genetic condition (i.e. cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, MCAD)

  • Concern for the potential effects of medication, exposures, or maternal conditions (such as diabetes or seizures) during pregnancy

  • A history of infertility or recurrent pregnancy loss

  • Advanced maternal age (>35 at the time of delivery)

  • Advanced paternal age (>40 at the time of conception)

  • Questions about in vitro fertilization, egg or sperm donors, and preimplantation genetic testing

  • Carrier screening prior to or during a pregnancy

  • Prenatal testing and pregnancy-related genetic concerns

  • Questions about healthy screening options for the general population or for those who do not know their family health history



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Intro to PGT

Intro to PGT

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Possible PGT-A Results

Possible PGT-A Results

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